Today we are going to discuss the step-by-step procedure to create recovery catalog for your database.
This discussion describes how to create an RMAN recovery catalog, which holds RMAN repository data for one or more databases in a separate database schema, in addition to using the control files of the databases.
If you are creating your recovery catalog in an already-existing database, add enough room to hold the default tablespace to the recovery catalog schema. If you are creating a new database to hold your recovery catalog, then, in addition to the space for the recovery catalog schema itself, you must allow space for other files in the recovery catalog database:
SYSTEM tablespace
Temporary tablespaces
Rollback segment tablespaces
Online redo log files
Assume that we are having our primary database MKTG3, and other database RCAT on which we are going to crate recovery catalog.
You should not install the catalog in the target database: this tactic defeats the purpose of the catalog. Also, decide whether to operate the catalog database in ARCHIVELOG mode, which is recommended.
the process of creating recovery catalog owner is as follows:-
After choosing the recovery catalog database and creating necessary space, you are ready to create the owner of the recovery catalog and grant this user necessary privileges.
To create the recovery catalog schema in the recovery catalog database:
1) connect to the database with administrator privilages containing the recovery catalog:
conn sys/admin@rcat
2) create a user and schema for recovery catalog
create user recovery identified by catalog
temporary tablespace
default tablespace
quota unlimited on
3) grant the recovery_catalog_owner role to schema owner.
sql> grant recovery_catalog_owner to recovery;
4)make necessary changes to tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files and configure listeners if you are using multiple listener to proivde services to this standby database.
5) grant RECOVRY TYPE privilages to recovery catalog owner
sql> grant create type to recovery;
6) connect to the database that will contain catalog,as catalog owner
% rman catalog recovery/catalog@rcat
you can also connect from RMAN prompt
RMAN> connect catalog recovery/catalog@rcat
7) run the CREATE CATALOG command to create catalog.
RMAN> create catalog;
8) Optionally, start SQL*Plus and query the recovery catalog to see which tables were created:
Registering a Database in the Recovery Catalog:-
The first step in using a recovery catalog with a target database is registering the database in the recovery catalog. Use the following procedure:
1)after making sure the recovery catalog database is open,connect RMAN to the target database.
RMAN> connect target sys/admin@mktg3
2) to register to recovery catalog the target database must be mounted or open.
3) then connect to the recovery catalog
RMAN> connect catalog recovery/catalog@rcat
4) Register the target database in the connected recovery catalog:
RMAN> register database;
RMAN creates rows in the catalog tables to contain information about the target database, then copies all pertinent data about the target database from the control file into the catalog, synchronizing the catalog with the control file.
Verify that the registration was successful by running REPORT SCHEMA:
These are the steps to crate recovery catalog... Hope this will help you in using RMAN more efficiently.